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New posts in naming

Differentiate between property and method with same name

javascript prototype naming

Variable Naming Convention Thoughts for Swift 3

What are the unique methods of a class called?

python python-3.x oop naming

Create interface for object or for action / behavior?

Java package naming

java package naming

What entityId to choose to configure Service Provider (SP) in shibboleth?

Package naming convention

Java naming convention for a class with version in its name?

java version naming convention

Why not all the standard headers are preceded with std prefix?

c language-lawyer naming c11 c17

Naming types in a namespace by the .NET Framework Design Guidelines

C# Enum VS Nullable Property name conflict

c# .net enums nullable naming

Api Url Parts Nomenclature

api naming

Perl function name clash

perl function naming

Giving alternate name to a module in Perl

perl module naming

What is the common idea of perl modules with Tie:: namespace?

perl naming tie

C++ global structure creates name conflict

c++ conflict naming

What are good guidelines for naming PowerShell verbs?

powershell naming

Why are "Here Strings" called "Here Strings"?

Powershell - Create a folder from a file name, then place that file in the folder

Using fully qualified name for std namespace in C++