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New posts in c11

Header for scanf_s function

_Noreturn in a struct in c: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before '_Noreturn'

c gcc c11 noreturn

Can c11's 'Generic' keyword be used within gcc _Static_assert

Verify macro argument size at compilation time

c sizeof bit-fields c11

Are the arguments of a C program guaranteed to be '\0'-terminated?

c security posix c11 execve

sizeof applied to array types

c arrays sizeof c11

C4996, fopen deprecated: Why? (NOT: How to suppress) [closed]

Why isn't timespec_get defined on any C compiler on my Mac?

c time c11 timespec

Why not all the standard headers are preceded with std prefix?

c language-lawyer naming c11 c17

How to use C11 standard in Code::Blocks

c codeblocks c11 gcc5.2

Advantage of using compound assignment

c c11 compound-assignment

c11 _Generic adding types

c generics overloading c11

Accordance of linkage between declaration and definition

c language-lawyer c11

Why can't I retrieve my flexible array member size?

Does isspace() accept getchar() values?

c language-lawyer c11

Is a declaration of a variable inside a block also a definition?

Which is most standard: strnlen or strnlen_s?

c c11

How can I figure out what is the default standard used by my C compiler GCC ? [duplicate]

c gcc c99 c11 c89

Passing multi-dimensional array to function without righmost size by pointer to incomplete array type

c c11

Memory order consume usage in C11

c multithreading c11 stdatomic