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New posts in c89

C90: How do I globally initialize this struct in C without C99 extensions

c struct global declare c89

C How extract predefined huge switch from huge loop without loss performance?

c x86 arm c89

Factory pattern implementation using ANSI C

c design-patterns factory c89

warning: ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement] [duplicate]

c c89

Implementing a FIFO queue in C

c struct fifo c89

Was `long` guaranteed to be as wide as `size_t`

c language-lawyer c89

Is it legal to cast a function returning an object pointer to a function returning a void pointer?

How can I figure out what is the default standard used by my C compiler GCC ? [duplicate]

c gcc c99 c11 c89

Why do you get different values for integer division in C89?

c c89

the size of dynamically allocated array in C [duplicate]

c arrays sizeof ansi c89

Is negating INT_MIN undefined behaviour?

c c99 undefined-behavior c89

Object oriented programming in C [duplicate]

c oop c89

Would it be safe to do swap by "b=(a+b)-(a=b);"?

c c99 c89

Cast a long to a function pointer?

c function-pointers c89

Is there a type-safe way of getting an element count for arrays in C? [duplicate]

c arrays visual-c++ c89

How can I detect one or combination of strokes of keys in C?

c c89

Enforcing ANSI C89 with clang

c clang c89

Matrix not zero-filled on declaration

c gcc codeblocks c99 c89

Typesafe varargs in C with gcc

c gcc static-analysis c89

Warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90