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New posts in c11

Difference between exit and quick_exit

c c11

Does C11 allow variable declarations at any place in a function?

c c11 variable-declaration

Integer types in C

c int c99 c11

Visual Studio 2017 does not supportC11 new feature _Generic

How can I concisely assign to the members of a struct depending on a condition?

Why C11 standard doesn't drop unsafe strcat(),strcpy() functions?

c strcpy c11 strcat

Strange wording in the standard, concerning comparison of pointers

c pointers language-lawyer c11

How to properly use `__attribute__((format (printf, x, y)))` for C11 U"unicode literals"?

When can a declaration of an identifier that has block scope have internal linkage?

c language-lawyer c11 linkage

Is a repeated macro invocation via token concatenation unspecified behavior?

c macros c-preprocessor c11

Can a standards-conforming string be longer than SIZE_MAX characters?

c string language-lawyer c11

Compile-time lookup table in C (C11)

c arrays c11

What constitutes as padding in a union?

c language-lawyer c11

How to reduce number of expansions of second argument in 2-dimensional _Generic?

c generics c11

Is there a meaningful distinction between freestanding and hosted implementations?

c c99 c11 freestanding

<stdatomic.h> in GCC 4.8?

c multithreading gcc atomic c11

What ABI, if any, restricts the size of [u]intmax_t?

c c99 c11 abi

What are the semantics of overlapping objects in C?