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New posts in bit-fields

Is it well-defined behavior to address a 32-bit `int` using a bitfield inside a union?

Bit order in struct is not what I would have expected

c++ endianness bit-fields

Verify macro argument size at compilation time

c sizeof bit-fields c11

Bit fields for reading from H/W registers

Python ctype-bitfields: get bitfield location

python ctypes bit-fields

Overlapped bit-field in C

c struct unions bit-fields

C++ bool array as bitfield?

c++ struct boolean bit-fields

How do I parse out n-bit elements from a byte addressable array

c parsing bit-fields

Concept of bit field

c bit-fields

Why bitfields have to be integer?

c integer bit-fields

Why aren't bitfields allowed with normal variables?

c gcc struct unions bit-fields

Error trying to define a 1,024-bit (128 Byte) Bit Field

c bit-fields

Iterate members of a bitfield

c++ bit-fields

Do bitfields have any hidden costs or benefits aside from the obvious seeming benefit of saving space?

c++ bit-fields

Initializer list initialization of a member struct bitfield element causing bugs in IAR ARM

c++ arm bit-fields vtable iar

Where to look up GCC's implementation of implementation-defined behavior?

c++ gcc g++ bit-fields

Type cast failed in switch for enum with restricted storage

Extract bitfields from an int in Python

python bit bit-fields

How to cast signed int to 15 bit bit-field?

c bit-fields

c union and bitfields

c bit-fields unions