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New posts in bit

sign extension in C, char>unsigned char

c casting char bit

Mask for clearing m bits after n LSBits

c++ c bit-manipulation bit

Finding whether bit position is set in C# [duplicate]

c# binary bit

Possible to determine number of bitwise transitions in an 8 bit integer?

integer glsl bit

Get bits from byte and slice 2 bit pairs

Bits vs Char - What's the best way to store 3 mutually exclusive flags?

Interview FAIL: And I thought Google was tough [closed]

c# .net byte bit

Rotate right using bit operation in c

c bit-manipulation bit

golang: bitwise operation on very long binary bit string representation

printing the binary representation of a number

c++ bit

extract the last 2 bits in binary

java binary bit

How does 1 left shift by 31 (1 << 31) work to get maximum int value? Here are my thoughts and some explanations I found online

Bitshifts canceling out instead of expected behavior [duplicate]

Is there a way making python produce the same result bit-wise shift left with java?

java python bit

Checking even or odd `1` bits in a number

Is BIT field faster than int field in SQL Server?

sql performance bit

how to convert float to int preserving bit value

c++ hlsl bit

How to print all set bits of a negative integer

java bit

Using scanf to read uint8_t data

c struct scanf bit

Swap bits in c++ for a double