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New posts in ctypes

Using Python Ctypes to pass struct pointer to a DLL function

python pointers struct ctypes

Submit 'int' and 'string' arrays using ctypes (Python->C++)

python ctypes

how do I return objects from a C++ function with ctypes?

c++ python ctypes

Access np.array in ctypes struct

python numpy ctypes

Incorrect result with islower when using ctypes

python c ctypes

How to interface a NumPy complex array with C function using ctypes?

python c numpy ctypes

How do I pass a pre-populated "unsigned char*" buffer to a C++ method using boost.python?

python ctypes pointer arithmetic

python ctypes

Returning string from C++ function with ctypes gives large int, not char pointer

python c++ string dll ctypes

Ctypes: fast way to convert a return pointer to an array or Python list

python arrays ctypes

How to enable FIPS mode for libcrypto and libssl packaged with Python?

ctypes behaving strangely in Python interpreter

python ctypes

What is the simplest, most productive approach to create prototype-grade Python bindings for existing C/C++ libraries?

python binding swig ctypes

Cannot pass parameters to dll with ctypes (Python)

python dll ctypes

Using struct timeval in Python

python ctypes timeval

Passing a string to a C library from OCaml using Ctypes and Foreign

ocaml ctypes pcap

Python ctype-bitfields: get bitfield location

python ctypes bit-fields

Python NtQueryDirectoryFile (File information structure)

Resize ctypes array

python ctypes

Error with Python ctypes and librsvg