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New posts in psr-4

Composer PSR-4 Autoload class not found

PHP composer autoload not loading class

Laravel, using packages with PSR-4 gives message "No hint path defined for"

php laravel laravel-4 psr-4

Composer psr-4 autoload issue

php namespaces autoload psr-4

How do I autoload classes that have a file name different from the class name?

php php-5.5 psr-4

Can't generate entities after psr-0 to psr-4 change

php symfony doctrine psr-0 psr-4

Composer Gives Error, "Class Not Found"

PHP Namespace Class Naming Convention

PSR-4 autoloading not working

Composer - Autoload and PSR-0 vs PSR-4

PSR-4 directory structure and namespacing for a set of functions?

php psr-4

Composer autoloading psr-4 not adding namespace to autoload_psr4.php

Need to dump autoload to everytime I add a new class

php composer-php psr-4

Namespaces not working with Codeception (Yii2)

PHP - PSR-4: Autoloader (composer) and multiple namespaces with the same root

How to use composer psr-4 fallback correctly

Call to undefined method Composer\\Autoload\\ClassLoader::setPsr4()

Why specify the namespace when using psr-4 autoloading with Composer?

Composer autoload - load class from parent directory

php laravel composer-php psr-4

Laravel psr-4 not autoloading