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GitHub repository autoloading with Composer issue

Autoloading non-PSR0 libraries in Symfony 2.0.x

php symfony autoload psr-0

Eclipse - Using File Name Conventions on Refactoring php-Classes

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Can't generate entities after psr-0 to psr-4 change

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Composer - Autoload and PSR-0 vs PSR-4

Why is underscore converted to directory separator in the PSR-0 standard?

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Composer is not loading my own psr-0 files

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If PHP libraries can register their own autoloaders, then why does PSR-0 require they be in uniform directories? [closed]

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Composer Autoloading

php composer-php psr-0

How to use a PHP library with namespacing without Composer as dependency (PSR-0)?

Composer Not Generating Autoloads For Library

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PHP - most lightweight psr-0 compliant autoloader

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Why use a PSR-0 or PSR-4 autoload in composer if classmap is actually faster?

Composer/PSR - How to autoload functions?

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What Are the Differences Between PSR-0 and PSR-4?