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How can I access the commited file from a Subversion pre-commit hook in Perl?

I need to do the following:

  1. Write pre-commit hook in Perl

  2. Hook should check all files being committed for presence of some text, and fail if that text is not found

Basically, I need an example of Perl hook that reads files being committed.

I am really looking for some elegant solution with the least amount of code.

Notes: Hook should use svnlook or other better way to find files.

like image 752
Chicago Avatar asked Nov 06 '09 17:11


1 Answers

pre-commit hook:

my $repos = shift;
my $txn = shift;

foreach my $line (`$svnlook changed -t $txn "$repos"`)
  if ($line !~ /^([AUD_]).\s\s(.+)$/)
    print STDERR "Can't parse [$line].\n";
    my $action = $1;
    my $file = $2;
    #If path has trailing slash, then it is a folder and we want to skip folders
    if($file =~ /\/$/)
    my $fileContent = `$svnlook cat -t $txn "$repos" "$file"`;
    if ($action =~ /[AU]/)
       my @lines = split(/\n/, $fileContent );
       #Check for whatever you need in this file's content

like image 68
Chicago Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 17:11
