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Use the commit message in a CVS pre-commit hook

Is it possible to use the commit message in a pre-commit hook in CVS? The CVS server is running remotely, and I access it using pserver.

Ideally, I want to allow the commit if the files pass the filter or the commit message contains certain text.

I don't have a choice to use another versioning system.

like image 626
dreamlax Avatar asked Dec 07 '09 00:12


People also ask

How do you use a pre-commit hook?

If you want to manually run all pre-commit hooks on a repository, run pre-commit run --all-files . To run individual hooks use pre-commit run <hook_id> . The first time pre-commit runs on a file it will automatically download, install, and run the hook. Note that running a hook for the first time may be slow.

What is a commit message hook?

The commit-msg hook is much like the prepare-commit-msg hook, but it's called after the user enters a commit message. This is an appropriate place to warn developers that their message doesn't adhere to your team's standards. The only argument passed to this hook is the name of the file that contains the message.

What is pre-commit hook in SVN?

A pre-commit hook is a feature available in the Subversion version control system that allows code to be validated before it is committed to the repository. The PHP_CodeSniffer pre-commit hook allows you to check code for coding standard errors and stop the commit process if errors are found.

How can I commit without pre-commit hook?

Quick tip if you want to skip the pre-commit validations and quickly want to get a commit out there. To get your commit through without running that pre-commit hook, use the --no-verify option. Voila, without pre-commit hooks running!

1 Answers

Here are some useful tutorials to read more:


You can't do what you want with just one hook but you can use two hooks, commitinfo will let you verify the files themselves and verifymsg will let you verify the message. Both can be used to cancel the commit (the programs just need to exit with status 1). In case you weren't aware, checkoutlist, commitinfo and 'verifymsg' can all be found in the CVSROOT directory of your repository. I would recommend putting any scripts you write as hooks in that directory as well, but it doesn't really matter as you get to specify the full path. Also, perl is not necessary or required, just simple for me to write some (silly) examples in:


# these files will be automatically checked out for you


# specifies which file to run as hook, %l is filename of log message
# bar$     /path/to/repo/CVSROOT/verify_ends_in_bar %l
DEFAULT    /path/to/repo/CVSROOT/acceptable %l %s


#/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;

# this would be simpler if cvs passed sane arguments
my ($logfile, $dir, @files) = @ARGV;
my $grep = `grep -i 'accept liability' $logfile`;
exit 0 if $grep;

my $found = 0;
foreach my $file (@files) {
    my $path = join '/', $dir, $file;
    die "Can't find file $path" if ! -e $path;
    my $grep = `grep -i 'evidence of any deliberation' $path`;
    $found++ if $grep;
die "You must accept liability or show evidence of deliberation" if $found < @files;

Caveat emptor: I wrote most of this off the top of my head with no testing so I can't guarantee it works but it should get you at least close.

Edit again, I just realized that I was originally wrong and you can pass both the logfile and the committed filenames to verifymsg making the answer quite a bit simpler.

like image 108
Rob Van Dam Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 09:11

Rob Van Dam