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New posts in python-black

Git pre-commit hooks keeps modifying files even after I have staged previously modified files

How can I apply black code formatting on save?

sublimetext3 python-black

Black (Python) Ignore Rule

python python-black

Python black formatter for vscode not formatting

Formatter black is not working on my VSCode...but why?

How to preserve git author line-by-line when using a code formatter?

Python: Black doesn't wrap long lines

Flake8 disable all formatting rules

Black --exclude argument not excluding desired file(s)

regex python-black

Disable Black formatting of dict expression within mapping comprehensions

Why are migrations files often excluded from code formatting?

python django python-black

Can I undo the formatting style changes that Black makes to my Python code?

python python-black

Is it possible to call Black as an API?

python python-black

Exclude some files on running black using pre-commit

VS Code Python + Black formatter arguments - python.formatting.blackArgs

Code formatter like nb_black for google colab

Black formatter - Ignore specific multi-line code