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What .Net coverage tools support "condition coverage"? [closed]

Concurrent/Continuous Testing for nodejs (ncrunch for nodejs)

Nunit 2.6 + Resharper 7 +NCrunch + visual studio 2010

Mocking Generic Method with NSubstitute

c# .net nsubstitute ncrunch

Unit tests running in NCrunch but not in Resharper

Visual Studio regularly throwing exception

How do I set up NCrunch to run nspec tests

Run tests affected by code changes first in TeamCity

How can I see the console output when running tests with NCrunch?

Unit testing with Roslyn.Services.Workspace results in a SecurityException while working at x86 target

How can I run UI tests with FlaUI on a remote machine whilst not RDP'd into it?

ui-automation ncrunch flaui

Selenium driver location search path

c# selenium phantomjs ncrunch

How is the graph on the NCrunch Risk/Progress window calculated?

c# ncrunch

Ninject ToFactory works in Resharper unit tests, but not NCrunch

Exclude tests from a certain category


Equivalent of NCrunch for Java in Eclipse

Using NCrunch with Resharper

resharper ncrunch

Free NCrunch alternative [closed]