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Mocking Generic Method with NSubstitute

I have an interface with a number of generic methods. These methods perform operations based on the type of data that is passed in. How do I mock this with NSubstitute? At the moment, I had to resort to using a concrete class instead of a mock since I cannot handle all possible types that the method will be called with.

public interface IInstanceSource
    bool CanCreate<T>();
    T Create<T>();
    void Register<T>(Func<T> creator);

    public static IInstanceSource GetInstanceSource()
        var _data = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object>>();
        var a = Substitute.For<IInstanceSource>();
        //code below fails since T is not defined. How do I make the code below accept any type?
        a.WhenForAnyArgs(x=>x.Register(Arg.Any<Func<T>>)).Do(x=> { /* todo */});
        a.CanCreate<T>().Returns(x => _data[typeof (T)]);
        return a;


like image 572
ritcoder Avatar asked Jul 27 '13 21:07


1 Answers

NSubstitute doesn't support setting up multiple instances of a generic method automatically.

The way we'd normally see IInstanceSource used in a test is to configure it for a specific bit of code under test, so T would be known. If a single fixture needed to work for a few different Ts, we could make configuration simpler by having a helper method like ConfigureInstanceSource<T>() which would do the configurations steps for a specific T.

In your case though it seems like you want a fixed behaviour for all fake instances of IInstanceSource, in which case I believe you are going the right way about it by hand-coding your own test double.

like image 133
David Tchepak Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

David Tchepak