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New posts in apache-commons-logging

Why does spring-security-core exclude commons-logging?

Log4JLogger does not implement Log when deploying on websphere 8.5.01

How to repackage HttpClient 4.3.1 and remove dependencies on commons-logging?

Logging an Exception using commons.logging in Java?

NLog giving exception Possible explanation is lack of zero arg and single arg Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection constructors

Is Log4j a dead project? [closed]

How can I disable Apache Commons / Log4J logging in third party libraries?

Commons-logging with log4j2

Redirect System.out.println to Log4J, while keeping class name information

How to fix ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory?

Mixed usage of Log4j and commons-logging causes a "class loading deadlock"?

How to exclude commons logging dependency of spring with ivy?

Whats the root cause of Log4JLogger' cannot be found or is not useable?

commons-logging and log4j properties file

Commons Logging priority best practices

Spring logs not written in log4j2

Spring Maven project commons-logging LogFactory NoClassDefFoundError

Write log file using org.apache.commons.logging

How to disable Spring logging DEBUG messages?