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HttpClientBuilder missing on Android?

What to do with never happening, useless exceptions?

Is AndroidHttpClient thread safe

Cannot Resolve Symbol HttpEntity,HttpResponse

Android: downloading a file and saving on sd card

How to resolved http and Site Behavior: Navigation error in android app?

Compiling Google Download Library targing API 23 Android Marshmallow

Run php script through Android app

Loopj's AsyncHttpclient not setting the correct timeout

android androidhttpclient

How to repackage HttpClient 4.3.1 and remove dependencies on commons-logging?

Create a Custom Completion/Callback Handler to return Objects after a HTTP Request is Completed

Certificate Pinning on Android with Robospice

Multipart/form-data construction with android

HttpURLConnection.getInputStream very slow

With what can I replace http deprecated methods?

AndroidHttpClient Nullpointerexception calling android.net.http.AndroidHttpClient.isMmsRequest

okhttp new JsonObject from Response

Unable to resolve host: URL No address associated with hostname