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Is the Java compiler allowed to be flow sensitive for static calls?

java jls

getDeclaredConstructors() lists 2 constructors but there is only one

Java grammar definition completeness

java grammar jls

Does Java have to be compiled to bytecode?

Difference between declaration annotations and type annotations

Defining Java Constants using Bit-Shift Notation

java constants bit-shift jls

Would it be legal for a Java compiler to omit getfield opcodes after the first access?

Does the Java JLS specify promotion of primitive wrapper types?

java jls

Order of automatically imported packages and ambiguity

java import jls

How to fully qualify a class whose package name collides with a local member name?

java visibility java-7 jls

Lambda accessibility to private methods

Java - implementing multiple interfaces with same method and different return types

java interface overriding jls

How does the JLS specify the terms "abstract method", "concrete method" and "default method"?

java default abstract jls

Happens-before and reordering of volatile

Can an Atomic compare and exchange overwrite a lazy write without seeing it?

When is it legal to compare Objects and primitives with '==' operator?

java operators autoboxing jls

Example 8.1.2-1 Of Java Language Specification(Mutually Recursive Type Variable Bounds)

java recursion jls

Java inheritance: the strict default-abstract and default-default conflict rules

java inheritance java-8 jls

What's the difference between getVolatile and getAcquire?

java jls