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Creating an object via lambda factory vs direct "new Type()" syntax

For example, consider a utility class SerializableList:

public class SerializableList : List<ISerializable>
    public T Add<T>(T item) where T : ISerializable
        return item;

    public T Add<T>(Func<T> factory) where T : ISerializable
        var item = factory();
        return item;

Usually I'd use it like this:

var serializableList = new SerializableList(); 
var item1 = serializableList.Add(new Class1());
var item2 = serializableList.Add(new Class2());

I could also have used it via factoring, like this:

var serializableList = new SerializableList(); 
var item1 = serializableList.Add(() => new Class1());
var item2 = serializableList.Add(() => new Class2());

The second approach appears to be a preferred usage pattern, as I've been lately noticing on SO. Is it really so (and why, if yes) or is it just a matter of taste?

like image 973
noseratio Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 03:03


1 Answers

Given your example, the factory method is silly. Unless the callee requires the ability to control the point of instantiation, instantiate multiple instances, or lazy evaluation, it's just useless overhead.

The compiler will not be able to optimize out delegate creation.

To reference the examples of using the factory syntax that you gave in comments on the question. Both examples are trying (albeit poorly) to provide guaranteed cleanup of the instances.

If you consider a using statement:

using (var x = new Something()) { }

The naive implementation would be:

var x = new Something();
   if ((x != null) && (x is IDisposable))

The problem with this code is that it is possible for an exception to occur after the assignment of x, but before the try block is entered. If this happens, x will not be properly disposed, because the finally block will not execute. To deal with this, the code for a using statement will actually be something more like:

Something x = null;
   x = new Something();
   if ((x != null) && (x is IDisposable))

Both of the examples that you reference using factory parameters are attempting to deal with this same issue. Passing a factory allows for the instance to be instantiated within the guarded block. Passing the instance directly allows for the possibility of something to go wrong along the way and not have Dispose() called.

In those cases, passing the factory parameter makes sense.

like image 185
William Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 09:04
