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Error C2491: definition of dllimport function not allowed

c++ dllimport dllexport msvc12

DLL exporting causing issues with unique pointers

c++ stl c++14 c++17 dllexport

how to use an exported class (__declspec(dllexport))in an stl template?

c++ templates dllexport

C++ DLL-Linking UnResolved Externals

c++ dllexport

Linking a shared library with unresolved symbols on linux

DLL Injection into notepad

Making headers from DLL exports

dll header export dllexport

How to read the export function names of a (native) DLL in C#?

c# .net dll dllexport

Hiding functions in static library

Export managed C# function to return changed char* parameter to unmanaged code

c# c++ .net pinvoke dllexport

dllimport /dllexport and static libraries compilation under visual c++

c# dll encryption

__declspec(dllimport/dllexport) and inheritance

How to specify the exact ordinals for dll exports in MinGW?

Warning C4251 when building a DLL that exports a class containing an ATL::CString member

c++ dll atl dllexport