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New posts in visual-c++-2008

Intrinsics Vs inline ASM for SSE coding in VC++ 2K8

Why are there two files created (.h and .cpp) when creating a new C++ class?

Compile time error C4407

mfc visual-c++-2008

Conditional compiling according to VC++ compiler version

this compiles without a warning in VC9 at warning level 4. Why would one NOT consider this a compiler defect?

c++ visual-c++-2008

Can I control version number assigned to interop assembly?

Why do I see a MSVCR90 dependency even though I set the /MT option?

dllimport /dllexport and static libraries compilation under visual c++

Is there a conventional/standard way to create an MFC error dialog?

Disable C++ warning at project level?

ATL Based Linker Errors

linker atl visual-c++-2008

Compiler warning when switching on an enum

c++ visual-c++-2008

Why do I get these warnings in Visual C++ 2008 when building a struct?

How can I return an opaque handle (void* or dword) that can be cast back to a value element stored in a boost::interprocess map?

ITERATOR LIST CORRUPTED in std::string constructor

Unreachable code at constructor's closing brace

How to make a taskbar (system tray) application in Windows

Using C++ DLLs with different compiler versions

Reference collapsing under C++03

visual-c++-2008 c++03