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Intrinsics Vs inline ASM for SSE coding in VC++ 2K8

I've done some inline ASM coding for SSE before and it was not too hard even for someone who doesn't know ASM. But I note MS also provide intrinsics wrapping many such special instructions.

Is there a particular performance difference, or any other strong reason why one should be used above the other?

To repeat from the title, this is specifically covering intrinsics exposed by VC++ 2008 for unmanaged, native C++.

like image 928
Mr. Boy Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 06:02

Mr. Boy

1 Answers

There is no inline assembly in Visual C++ for x64. Intrinsics can be used on x64 as well. If you ever want to port your code to x64, you'll have to use intrinsics.

like image 183
Michael Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 06:03
