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New posts in msvc12

Error C2491: definition of dllimport function not allowed

c++ dllimport dllexport msvc12

Error on MSVC when trying to declare std::make_unique as friend of my templated class

Can not configure compiler and build kit for Qt 5.5

c++ visual-studio qt msvc12

unresolved external symbol __mm256_setr_epi64x

Exit application while stdin blocking on windows

std::thread cause deadlock in DLLMain

c++ visual-c++ msvc12

C++ class not recognized by Python 3 as a module via Boost.Python Embedding

python c++ boost-python msvc12

2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-sgd-1_58.lib'

boost cmake msvc12

Delphi: Calling a C dll function with Debugger takes 15 s without debugger 0.16 s. Why?

Whats the design rationale between GCC exporting all symbols by default vs MSVC not exporting anything by default?

c++ visual-c++ gcc msvc12

Possible compiler bug in MSVC12 (VS2013) with designated initializer

Why does is_copy_constructible return true for unique_ptr in MSVC12

c++ c++11 typetraits msvc12

How to fix 'error MSB4018: The "VCMessage" task failed unexpectedly' in Visual Studio 2013


Can't assign string literal to boxed std::string vector

"Function has no address" despite disabled optimization (/Od)

C++, curious compiler error when implementing a function `int next(std::string param)`

c++ compiler-errors msvc12