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New posts in friend-function

overloading operator<< to output object members without using friend function

Error on MSVC when trying to declare std::make_unique as friend of my templated class

Friending template function from multiple classes

How to resolve "class must be used when declaring a friend" error?

Using friend function, can we overwrite the private member of the class?

c++ friend-function

c++ inline friend function with same name as member variable

template friend functions of template class

cannot convert '*void(MyClass::*)(void*) to void*(*)(void*) in pthread_create function

Overload operator<< for template class

Member access control for friend function defined inside class in C++

ADL and friend injection

An explicit specialization cannot be a friend declaration

c++ implicit conversion on user-defined operator for template classes

Forward declaration with friend function: invalid use of incomplete type

Can 2 classes share a friend function?

c++ friend-function

How can I access a protected constructor from a friend function?

c++ friend-function

Overloading of hidden friends by differences only in (mutually exclusive) requires-clauses: legal or an ODR-violation?

Argument dependent lookup for friend functions

Why should we use a friend function to define the comparison operator?

c++ friend-function