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New posts in friend-function

Whether to go for a member function or friend function when the function is supposed to change state of object?

Can we declare a friend function with no argument?

c++ class friend-function

friend function template lookup

A friend function accessing a private member of a friend class

Template friend function of a template class

`friend` member functions and attributes - gcc vs clang

How to declare a variadic template function as a friend?

friend vs member functions in Operator Overloading C++

C++ friend function hidden by class function?

c++ friend friend-function

How can I declare a friend function in a namespace that takes an inner class as a parameter?

Granting friendship to constructor/destructor of template class specialization - works under C++17, but fails under C++20

clang/g++ difference with friend function

What is the point of the complicated scoping rules for friend declarations?

Friend functions in C++

c++ friend-function

Can a friend of A<T> be also a friend of A<A<T>>?

Difference between a pointer to a standalone and a friend function

c++ error C2662 cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const Type' to 'Type &'

How to make std::make_unique a friend of my class

C++ compile time counters, revisited

Where would you use a friend function vs. a static member function?