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C++ friend function hidden by class function?

Minimal example:

class A
    friend void swap(A& first, A& second) {}
    void swap(A& other) {}
    void call_swap(A& other)
        swap(*this, other);

int main() { return 0; }

g++ 4.7 says:

friend.cpp: In member function ‘void A::call_swap(A&)’:
friend.cpp:7:20: error: no matching function for call to ‘A::swap(A&, A&)’
friend.cpp:7:20: note: candidate is:
friend.cpp:4:7: note: void A::swap(A&)
friend.cpp:4:7: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided

Outcomment line 4:

// void swap(A& other) {}

...and it works fine. Why, and how to fix this, if I want to keep both variants of my swap function?

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Johannes Avatar asked Aug 26 '13 17:08


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1 Answers

I believe it is because the compiler is trying to find the function within the class. This should be a minimalistic change to make it work (it works in Visual Studio 2012):

class A; // this and the next line are not needed in VS2012, but
void swap(A& first, A& second); // will make the code compile in g++ and clang++

class A
    friend void swap(A& first, A& second) {}
    void swap(A& other) {}
    void call_swap(A& other)
        ::swap(*this, other); // note the scope operator

int main() { return 0; }
like image 86
user1952500 Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 15:12
