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New posts in byref

Why is it legal to pass "Me" ByRef in VB.NET?

Is it faster to transfer strings by reference between functions?

c# .net string performance byref

Does F# have address-of & and pointer dereference * functions?

pointers f# inline unsafe byref

ByRef vs ByVal performance when passing strings

F# method with byref parameter override

.net methods parameters f# byref

Is there any way to deal with ParamArray values as byRef so they can be updated?

Can you have "ByRef" arguments in AS3 functions?

actionscript-3 byref args

Property vs. Variable as ByRef parameter

Are 'by ref' arguments in WCF bad or good?

By Ref parameters in VB.NET and C#

What is the use of the := syntax?

Return object from PowerShell using a parameter ("By Reference" parameter)?

Why can't a function with byref be converted directly to delegate?

f# delegates ref byref

How can I implement the same behavior as Dictionary.TryGetValue

VB.NET: If I pass a String ByVal into a function but do not change the string, do I have one or two strings in memory?

vb.net string byref byval

Passing string ByVal in VB.NET AND C#

byref return in F# 4.5

ByRef vs ByVal Clarification

vb.net byref byval