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New posts in unsafe

Write to buffered graphics surface via pointer manupilation

Refused to set unsafe header "Connection"

How to have the java8 code that uses Unsafe working on jdk8 and jdk9?

How to get Interior Mutability on a Copy type?

rust unsafe

Why does `*mut T` implement `Unwindsafe` but `&mut T` doesn't?

How to implement a Future or Stream that polls an async fn?

Assign a string literal to a char*

c# unsafe

angular2 and window.URL.createObjectURL

angular blob unsafe

How can I ensure T is serializable in a fixed number of bytes?

c# generics struct unsafe

Calling kernel32's ReadProcessMemory in Go

go interop ffi unsafe kernel32

Conversion from void* to object in C#

Is there any point to avoiding to use "unsafe" in Mono?

c# mono unsafe

Writing to a field in a MaybeUninit structure?

Is undefined behavior possible in safe Rust?

How to avoid "noise" when setting pixels of image in unsafe code

Perversion with unsafe C#, memory stack allocation

How to use fixed with a variable of type Array or T[]?

c# fixed unsafe

How does Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate work on instance members?

c# .net clr marshalling unsafe

Why can fixed size buffers only be of primitive types?

c# unsafe

C# Bitmap image masking using unsafe code

c# bitmap unsafe