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New posts in strict-aliasing

Can we access a member of a non-existing union?

Does reinterpret_cast with uint8_t break the Strict Aliasing Rule?

c++ c++14 strict-aliasing

When are type-punned pointers safe in practice?

Does access through pointer change strict aliasing semantics?

Can a type which is a union member alias that union?

char* conversion and aliasing rules

Consequenes of warning “dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules”

Is the restrict keyword meaningless on parameters of unique pointer types?

Calling a free() wrapper: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules

c pointers strict-aliasing

How to use (unsafe) aliasing?

What is the rationale behind the strict aliasing rule?

Strict aliasling warning on gcc 4.6.1 bug

c++ gcc strict-aliasing

What are the strict aliasing rules when casting *from* a char array?

c++ strict-aliasing

Is it UB to cast away const and read value? [duplicate]

Strict aliasing in relation to aggregate or union types

Do any compilers transfer effective type through memcpy/memmove

Creating an invalid reference via reinterpret cast

Unions and strict aliasing in C11

Undefined behavior on reading object using non-character type when last written using character type

Reusing a float buffer for doubles without undefined behaviour