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Wrapping linked lists in iterators

A set of APIs that I commonly use follow a linked-list pattern:

struct SomeObject
    const char* some_value;
    const char* some_other_value;
    SomeObject* next;    

LONG GetObjectList( SomeObject** list );
void FreeObjectList( SomeObject* list );

This API is not mine and I cannot change it.

So, I'd like to encapsulate their construction/destruction, access, and add iterator support. My plan is to do something like this:

/// encapsulate access to the SomeObject* type
class MyObject
    MyObject() : object_( NULL ) { };
    MyObject( const SomeObject* object ) : object_( object ) { };
    const char* SomeValue() const 
        return NULL != object_ ? object_->some_value : NULL; 
    const char* SomeValue() const 
        return NULL != object_ ? object_->some_other_value : NULL; 

    SomeObject* object_;
}; // class MyObject

bool operator==( const MyObject& i, const MyObject& j )
    return // some comparison algorithm.

/// provide iterator support to SomeObject*
class MyObjectIterator 
    : public boost::iterator_adaptor< MyObjectIterator, 
                                      boost::forward_traversal_tag >
    // MyObjectIterator() constructors

    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

    // How do I cleanly give the iterator access to the underlying SomeObject*
    // to access the `next` pointer without exposing that implementation detail
    // in `MyObject`?
    void increment() { ??? }; 

/// encapsulate the SomeObject* creation/destruction
class MyObjectList
    typedef MyObjectIterator const_iterator;

    MyObjectList() : my_list_( MyObjectList::Create(), &::FreeObjectList )

    const_iterator begin() const
        // How do I convert a `SomeObject` pointer to a `MyObject` reference?
        return MyObjectIterator( ??? );

    const_iterator end() const
        return MyObjectIterator();

    static SomeObject* Create()
        SomeObject* list = NULL;
        GetObjectList( &list );
        return list;

    boost::shared_ptr< void > my_list_;
}; // class MyObjectList

My two questions are:

  1. How do I cleanly give MyObjectIterator access to the underlying SomeObject to access the next pointer in the linked list without exposing that implementation detail in MyObject?

  2. In MyObjectList::begin(), how do I convert a SomeObject pointer to a MyObject reference?

Thanks, PaulH

Edit: The linked-list APIs I'm wrapping are not mine. I cannot change them.

like image 764
PaulH Avatar asked Jan 22 '23 14:01


2 Answers

First, of course, for real use, you almost certainly shouldn't be writing your own linked list or iterator at all. Second, good uses for linked lists (even one that's already written, debugged, etc.) are also pretty rare -- except in a few rather unusual circumstances, you should probably use something else (most often vector).

That said, an iterator is typically a friend (or nested class) of the class to which it provides access. It provides the rest of the world with an abstract interface, but the iterator itself has direct knowledge of (and access to) the internals of the linked list (or whatever container) to which it provides access). Here's a general notion:

// warning: This is really pseudo code -- it hasn't been tested, and would 
// undoubtedly require a complete rewrite to even compile, not to mention work.
template <class T>
class linked_list { 

    class iterator;

    // A linked list is composed of nodes.
    // Each node has a value and a pointer to the next node:    
    class node { 
        T value;
        node *next;
        friend class iterator;
        friend class linked_list;
        node(T v, node *n=NULL) : value(v), next(n) {}


    // An iterator gives access to the linked list.
    // Operations: 
    //      increment: advance to next item in list
    //      dereference: access value at current position in list
    //      compare: see if one iterator equals another    
    class iterator { 
        node *pos;
        iterator(node *p=NULL) : pos(p) {}
        iterator operator++() { 
            pos = pos->next; 
            return *this;
        T operator*() { return pos->value; }
        bool operator!=(iterator other) { return pos != other.pos; }

    iterator begin() { return iterator(head); }
    iterator end()   { return iterator(); }

    void push_front(T value) { 
        node *temp = new node(value, head); 
        head = temp;

    linked_list() : head(NULL) {}

    node *head;

To work along with the algorithms in the standard library, you have to define quite a bit more than this tried to (e.g., typedefs like value_type and reference_type). This is only intended to show the general structure.

like image 189
Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 05:01

Jerry Coffin

My advice: Trash this and use an existing slist<> implementation. IIRC, it will be in C++1x, so your compiler(s) might already support it. Or it might be in boost. Or take it from someplace else.

Wherever you get it from, what you get has all these problems already solved, is likely very well tested, therefore bug-free and fast, and the code using it is easily recognizable (looking at it many of us would immediately see what it does, because it's been around for a while and it's going to to be part of the next standard).

The last time I wrote my own list class was before the STL became part of the C++ standard library.

Ok, since you're stuck with the API you have, here's something that might get you started:

class MyObjectList
    typedef SomeObject value_type;
    // more typedefs

    class iterator {
        typedef SomeObject value_type;
        // more typedefs

        iterator(SomeObject* pObj = NULL)
                                    : pObj_(pObj) {}
        iterator& operator++()        {if(pObj_)pObj_ = pObj_->next;}
        iterator  operator++(int)     {iterator tmp(*this);
                                      return tmp;}
        bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
                                      {return pObj_ == rhs.pObj_;}
        bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
                                      {return !operator==(rhs);}
              value_type& operator*() {return pObj_;}
        SomeObject* pObj_;

    class const_iterator {
        typedef SomeObject value_type;
        // more typedefs
        const_iterator(const SomeObject* pObj = NULL)
                                    : pObj_(pObj) {}
        iterator& operator++()        {if(pObj_)pObj_ = pObj_->next;}
        iterator  operator++(int)     {iterator tmp(*this);
                                      return tmp;}
        bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
                                      {return pObj_ == rhs.pObj_;}
        bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
                                      {return !operator==(rhs);}
        const value_type& operator*() {return pObj_;}
        const SomeObject* pObj_;

    MyObjectList()                   : list_() {GetObjectList(&list_;);}
    ~MyObjectList()                    {FreeObjectList(list_);}
          iterator begin()             {return list_ ?       iterator(list_)
                                                     :       iterator();}
    const_iterator begin() const       {return list_ ? const_iterator(list_)
                                                     : const_iterator();}
          iterator end  ()             {return       iterator(getEnd_());}
    const_iterator end  () const       {return const_iterator(getEnd_());}

    SomeObject* list_;

    SomeObject* getEnd_()
        SomeObject* end = list_;
                end = end->next;
        return end;

Obviously, there's more to this (for example, I believe const and non-const iterators should be comparable, too), but that shouldn't be hard to add to this.

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sbi Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 04:01
