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Typeclass tricks for generalized multi-parameter function lifting

I want to lift a Haskell function into in a higher-order lambda calculus encoding. This is taken almost verbatim from Oleg's Typed Tagless Final encoding.

class Lam r where
  emb :: a -> r a
  (^) :: r (r a -> r a) -> (r a -> r a)
  lam :: (r a -> r a) -> r (r a -> r a)

instance Lam Identity where
  emb   = Identity
  f ^ x = f >>= ($ x)
  lam f = return (f . return =<<) -- call-by-value

 eval = runIdentity

I can embed arbitrary Haskell types into Lam using emb, but I can't use (^) for application then. Further, the lifted functions would behave lazily. Instead, I have to lift them application by application.

emb1 :: ( Applicative r, Lam r ) 
     => (a -> b) -> r (r a -> r b)
emb1 f = lam $ \ra -> f <$> ra

emb2 :: ( Applicative r, Lam r ) 
     => (a -> b -> c) -> r (r a -> r (r b -> r c))
emb2 f = lam $ \ra -> lam $ \rb -> f <$> ra <*> rb

emb3 :: ( Applicative r, Lam r ) 
     => (a -> b -> c -> d) 
     -> r (r a -> r (r b -> r (r c -> r d)))
emb3 f = lam $ \ra -> lam $ \rb -> lam $ \rc -> f <$> ra <*> rb <*> rc

>>> eval $ emb2 (+) ^ emb 1 ^ emb 2

That's a lot of boilerplate, though. I'd like to create a generic lifting function that would work for any arity function. I feel like it'd be possible using something akin to Printf's PrintfType or fixed-vector's Cont types. I can specify what I want using type functions

type family   Low    h      o
type instance Low    ()     o =   o
type instance Low    (a, h) o =   a ->    Low    h o

type family   Lift r h      o
type instance Lift r ()     o =   o
type instance Lift r (a, h) o = r a -> r (Lift r h o)

class Emb r h o where
  embed :: Low h o -> r (Lift r h o)

instance ( Lam r ) => Emb r () o where
  embed = emb

instance ( Lam r, Applicative r, Emb r h o ) => Emb r (a, h) o where
  embed = ?

But I get very stuck via this method, usually due to injectivity issues. I was able to resolve injectivity with a truly hideous combination of newtype wrappers and scoped type variables, but it never actually type checked.

Is this possible to express in Haskell?

like image 331
J. Abrahamson Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 18:11

J. Abrahamson

1 Answers

You may want to look at the Ordinary and one-pass CPS transformation in the tagless-final style. The trick is to generalize the Arrow type in the object language. The fact that we often use Haskell's type constructor -> for function types in the object language (to be embedded) is a coincidence and convenience. Generally, object functions do not map to Haskell functions simply. The code in the referred article contains ESymantics

-- How to interpret arrows and other types
type family Arr (repr :: * -> *) (a :: *) (b :: *) :: *

class ESymantics repr where
    int :: Int  -> repr Int
    add :: repr Int  -> repr Int -> repr Int

    lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (Arr repr a b)
    app :: repr (Arr repr a b) -> repr a -> repr b

Now we have enough freedom to interpret Arr depending on a particular repr. The referred article interpret Arr for the CPS instance.

Edit: In turns out we can achieve the same effect -- redefine the meaning of the arrow for an object language -- without introducing the Arr type (with its injectivity problems) and without ESemantics. The above link, to ordinary and one-pass CPS transformations, shows the new code, using the standard Semantics and re-interpreting the meaning of the function-type constructor. There are no longer any injectivity problems.

like image 75
Oleg Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
