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New posts in non-deterministic

Mercury: How to declare determinism of a higher-order data type?

How to nondeterministically put a value in a state?

How can I build a nondeterministic state monad in Haskell?

Unrelated code changes results of calculation

Why is this opencl code non-deterministic?

Sources of non-determinism of Apache Spark

Data structures with nondeterministic components in Coq

Combine ST and List monads in Haskell

Pushing/popping stack in reverse order in a Pushdown Automaton

Non-determinstic choice with amb-operator

Why the LAG function in T-SQL is non-deterministic?

Seeded Python RNG showing non-deterministic behavior with sets

Using TSQL, CAST() with COLLATE is non-deterministic. How to make it deterministic? What is the work-around?

Perl: Are Special Variables Thread Safe?

How to cleanly convert between lists and ListT monad transformers?

How do I convert a list monadic function to a breadth-first search?

`amb` operator as macro or procedure?

What is the default type evaluation of MonadPlus in Haskell?

What does it mean by "Non-deterministic User-Defined functions can be used in a deterministic manner"?