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New posts in breadth-first-search

how can a breadth-first-search-tree include a cross-edge?

Best and easiest algorithm to search for a vertex on a Graph?

Find the distance from each node to the k-nearest special nodes

Nosql DB for undirected graphs?

Removing a node in an undirected graph that destroys a path between two other nodes

Python breadth first shortest path for Google foo bar (prepare the bunnies escape) [closed]

Implementing graph and BFS in C++ using STL

Is it possible to apply breadth-first search algorithm of boost library to matrix?

Breadth First Traversal for a Tree, Python

Can someone explain Breadth-first search?

Traverse a graph represented in an adjacency matrix

Returning only the vertices in the actual shortest path

Breadth first traversal of object

Find all nodes in a binary tree on a specific level (Interview Query)

Breadth-First-Search in PHP

Handling duplicate nodes in Breadth First Search

Does depth first search create redundancy?

Finding if a graph is still strongly connected after edge removal