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New posts in user-defined-functions

Passing a range to Excel User Defined Function and assigning it to an array

How to return Struct from Hive UDF?

How to switch languages inside T-SQL table-valued function

Confused about return statement in user defined function

Disadvantages of using a lot of parameters

Can pyspark.sql.function be used in udf?

Loop over data in BigQuery

How to convert org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName to string,Decimal type in Spark Scala?

Difference between Oracle Macro and UDF

Is there any way to make this UDF deterministic?

Why is my original array being altered?

How can I tell the differences between two strings in Excel?

Why is the performance of table value function better than select direct statement?

apply function to all values in array column pyspark

Using custome UDF withColumn in a Spark Dataset<Row>; java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.sql.Row

Nhibernate filtering by user defined function output

SQL CLR: Streaming table valued function results

How can I use table-valued function in SQL Server where clause

Apply a custom Spark Aggregator on multiple columns (Spark 2.0)

Spark udf initialization