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Counting cells that contain a certain bit of text without duplicates

Excel Formula - Mapping Values from 3 Columns

excel excel-formula

COUNTIF function if day of week is Tuesday

Formula to convert ticks to a date in excel


Capitalise any words with less than five characters

excel excel-formula vba

How SUMIF function in Excel with brackets and "!" sign works

excel excel-formula vba

How to insert Excel formula to cell in Report Builder 3.0?

MIN/MAX on text sort order

excel excel-formula

Find the frequency and location of a recurring word in a cell in excel

Avoiding index & match #N/A value

excel excel-formula

Retaining first number after the decimal in python

python excel-formula

Excel - list in two columns each unique-pair from two source columns in excel

excel excel-formula

How to get first significant figure from a number in Excel?

Excel: calculate the amount - the numbers from a cell (58391) in another cell (5+8+3+9+1)

Number of working days remaining this month


How to perform a sumif using blank cells as a reference?

vba excel excel-formula

How to return array() in vba function to use it in cells Array formulas (matricial formula) : for split texte in multi cells

Splitting string to parts with specific pattern and conditions

How to capture #REF! in Excel?

excel excel-formula

Find the number of a row that contains two specific values?