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MaybeT/Maybe and IO: Failsafe reading of information

I am trying to read information entered by the user and to parse it into the type Person, which uses the type Gender. To do so, I use this code:

data Person = Person String Int Gender String
data Gender = Male | Female | NotSpecified deriving Read

instance Show Gender where
    show Male = "male"
    show Female = "female"
    show NotSpecified = "not specified"

instance Show Person where
    show (Person n a g j) = "Person {name: " ++ n ++ ", age: " ++ show a ++ 
        ", gender: " ++ show g ++ ", job: " ++ j ++ "}"

readPersonMaybeT :: MaybeT IO ()
readPersonMaybeT = do
    putStrLn "Name?:"
    name <- getLine
    putStrLn "Age?:"
    ageStr <- getLine
    putStrLn "Gender?:"
    genderStr <- getLine
    putStrLn "Job?:"
    job <- getLine

    let newPerson = Person name (read ageStr) (read genderStr) job
    putStrLn $ show newPerson

Now I would like to make this more failsafe - to achieve this I tried to use the MaybeT monad. using this, I got this code:

readPersonMaybeT :: MaybeT IO ()
readPersonMaybeT = do
    lift $ putStrLn "Name?:"
    name <- lift getLine
    lift $ putStrLn "Age?:"
    ageStr <- lift getLine
    lift $ putStrLn "Gender?:"
    genderStr <- lift getLine
    lift $ putStrLn "Job?:"
    job <- lift getLine

    let newPerson = Person name (read ageStr) (read genderStr) job
    lift $ putStrLn "show newPerson"

It get compiles/loaded by the GHCI, but when I try to execute the readPersonMaybeT function I get the error-message

No instance for (Data.Functor.Classes.Show1 IO) arising from a use of `print' In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

How can I solve this issue? Writing this code, I used the wikibook about Monad Transformers.

EDIT: When I try to 'run' it with runMaybeT it gets executed, but it is not failsafe at all. Entering nonsense for the age for example still results in a output like

Person {name: 85, age: *** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse.

like image 694
zimmerrol Avatar asked Aug 08 '16 13:08


1 Answers

If you are doing the validation only after you have asked for all of the input, I would just use the IO monad and return a Maybe:

import Text.Read
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

askPerson :: IO (Maybe Person)
askPerson = do
  name <- putStr "Name? " >> getLine
  a <- putStr "Age? " >> getLine
  g <- putStr "Gender? " >> getLine
  return $ do age <- readMaybe a
              gender <- readMaybe g
              return $ Person name age gender

Note how we are using the Maybe monad in the return statement.

I would use MaybeT if you want to quit asking for input once they enter an invalid value --

askPersonT :: MaybeT IO Person
askPersonT = do
  name   <- liftIO $ putStr "Name? " >> getLine
  age    <- MaybeT $ fmap readMaybe $ putStr "Age? " >> getLine
  gender <- MaybeT $ fmap readMaybe $ putStr "Gender? " >> getLine
  return $ Person name age gender

doit = runMaybeT askPersonT

If the user enters an invalid age they won't be asked for a gender.

like image 161
ErikR Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11
