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Parsing html in haskell



I'm trying to parse the a links from the main part (<article>) of a blog post. I have adapted what I found on FPComplete but nothing is printed out. (The code does not work as far as I can see as running it on the online IDE and with the Bing target also produces no links.)

In GHCI I can simulate the first line of parseAF and that gets me a large record, which I take to be correct. But cursor $// findNodes &| extractData returns []

I've tried regex but that wasn't happy trying to find such a long piece of text.

Can anyone help?

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module HtmlParser where

import Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp)
import Prelude hiding (concat, putStrLn)
import Data.Text (concat)
import Data.Text.IO (putStrLn)
import Text.HTML.DOM (parseLBS)
import Text.XML.Cursor (Cursor, attribute, element, fromDocument, ($//), (&//), (&/), (&|))

-- The URL we're going to search
url = "http://www.amsterdamfoodie.nl/2015/wine-beer-food-restaurants-troost/"

-- The data we're going to search for
findNodes :: Cursor -> [Cursor]
findNodes = element "article" &/ element "a"

-- Extract the data from each node in turn
extractData = concat . attribute "href"

cursorFor :: String -> IO Cursor
cursorFor u = do
     page <- simpleHttp u
     return $ fromDocument $ parseLBS page

-- Process the list of data elements
processData = mapM_ putStrLn

-- main = do
parseAF :: IO ()
parseAF = do
     cursor <- cursorFor url
     processData $ cursor $// findNodes &| extractData

UPDATE After more exploring it seems that the problem lies with element "article". If I replace that with element "p", which is OK in this instance as the only ps are in the article anyway, then I get my links. Pretty weird....!!

like image 855
Simon H Avatar asked Dec 16 '15 15:12

Simon H

2 Answers

I think you can do this in a very readable way with HXT by composing filters:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.XML.HXT.Curl
import Text.XML.HXT.TagSoup

links url = extract (readDocument
  [ withParseHTML yes
  , withTagSoup
  , withCurl      []
  , withWarnings  no
  ] url)

extract doc = runX $ doc >>> xmlFilter "article" >>> xmlFilter "a" >>> toHref

xmlFilter name = deep (hasName name)

toHref = proc el -> do
   link    <- getAttrValue "href" -< el
   returnA -< link

You can call this in the following way:

links "http://www.amsterdamfoodie.nl/2015/wine-beer-food-restaurants-troost/"
like image 52
Michael Szvetits Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Michael Szvetits

OK, so the problem was that &/ only looks at immediate children, whereas &// will go through all descendants

findNodes = element "article" &// element "a"
like image 38
Simon H Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Simon H