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New posts in python-internals

Why is integer divisions not optimised when compiling to bytecode?

Python: equality for Nan in a list?

globals() vs locals() mutability

Why round off of 0.500000 in python differs from 45.500000 using '%.0f'?

Are simple hardcoded arithmetics cached/compiled away?

python python-internals

How __future__ imports work under the hood

Fraction object doesn't have __int__ but int(Fraction(...)) still works

How does Python's reversed() function work?

Why doesn't 1 + 1 use BINARY_ADD?

What's the logic behind Python's hash function order?

Why does Python's CONTINUE_LOOP allow an outer loop, when BREAK_LOOP doesn't?

What are these extra symbols in a comprehension's symtable?

Definition of math_sin function in the CPython source code?

Why can't I use inspect.getsource() to view the source for list?

Is the empty tuple in Python a "constant" [duplicate]

How Python dictionaries are executed?

Why doesn't Python optimize away temporary variables?

why python dict update insanely slow?

Why does Python's grammar specification not include docstrings and comments?