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New posts in compiler-directives

How __future__ imports work under the hood

Avoid debug and callstack for a piece of code in c#

What is the purpose of {.$DEFINE VAR} instead of {$DEFINE VAR} in Delphi

Delphi compiler directive for shortstrings not working?

Commenting standards while writing iOS applications?

Is compiler directive WIN32 and CPUX86, WIN64 and CPUX64 interchangeable in Delphi?

Delphi Compiler Directive to Evaluate Arguments in Reverse

Add unit to project is removing a compiler directive from the project source

How to tell if code is running locally from Visual Studio/Cassini

Getting rid of precompiler directives in C#

Monotouch Compiler Directive if debug

Scala: Code only run when debugging(#ifdef equivalent?)

Cython compiler directive language_level not respected

Is it possible to ensure copy elision?

What is the meaning of {$C PRELOAD} directive?

How can I tell at compile time whether the project is a program or a library?

#Define Compiler Directive in C#

c# compiler-directives

#warning directive in VB.net

MonoTouch compiler directive for iPhone Simulator

How to set project wide #define in C#