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Angular only loads first directive

"are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?" but the namespace and reference are correct

wpf reference using directive

How to reapply directive when scope is changed in AngularJS

directive can not ''require:ngRepeat'

AngularJS : directive function not called

Apache config for all Location except specific URI

How does the .quad directive work in assembly?

dynamic template to directive in angularjs

Angular directive wait until ng-repeat will render [duplicate]

clickable bootstrap-datepicker icon with angular directive

AngularJS Masonry for Dynamically changing heights

Angular 2 - Update ngModel inside a custom directive at @HostListener('blur')

angular directive

Communication between custom directive and component in Angular2

angular directive

Angular2 Drag and Drop Target

Angularjs: ngRepeat and directive

angularjs directive

How to access controllerAs namespace in unit test with compiled element?

Difference between single and sections directive in OpenMP

AngularJS - load google map script async in directive for multiple maps