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SSIS : Using a variable as the name of a flat file destination

What to name column in database table that holds versioning number

Microsoft Azure Data warehouse and SqlAlchemy

How to handle multitenant data warehouse (each customer has a unique schema)?


Star schema [fact 1:n dimension]...how?

Data mart vs cubes

Surrogate Keys in Datawarehouse

Corrupted database table with invalid query: what has it done and will it roll back?

How to create a data model for invoices in a large data warehouse?

How are OLAP, OLTP, data warehouses, analytics, analysis and data mining related?

Why should we separate dimension and facts instead of combining both in one table

How do i add a column to a fact table 'after' it is already deployed and populated?

Free data warehousing systems--specifically, for data storage

data-warehouse database

Cross reference Facts and Dimensions in Data warehouse

Type II SCD with entities that merge over time

Downloadable example of a normalize Inmon Enterprise Data Warehouse


Microsoft cubes usage boundaries and best practicies

Data storage for financial analysis

Refresh strategy for materialized views in a data warehouse