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MySQL returning incorrect data?

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Spring Transaction Management with Hibernate and MySQL, Global and Local

Speed Up MySQL (MyISAM) COUNTs with WHERE Clauses

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how to get orphans from a join table in MySQL

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Post optimization needed after deleting rows in a MYSQL Database

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myisam place table-lock on table even when dealing with 'select' query?

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What causes MyISAM to become corrupt? [closed]

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Why does my InnoDB table have a weird value for record count?

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How to use Oracle without transactions?

moving InnoDb DB

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Emulate MyISAM's composite primary key with an autoincrement behavior in InnoDB

MyISAM Selects locks inserts inside procedure only

Why the size of MySQL MyISAM table is the same after striping some data from VARCHAR column?

Converting Large MyISAM table to InnoDB

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How to use a full text index for exact matches?

FULLTEXT search using InnoDB

Fast MySQL bulk load when indexes don't fit into key_buffer

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MySQL InnoDB query performance

How can MyISAM tables be used more safely?