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how to get orphans from a join table in MySQL





Imagine 2 tables, the first one is a list of products (products), the second one a join table between products and another table (categories), called products-categories


id   |  name
1       Lorem 
2       Ipsum 
3       Dolor 
4       Sit 


product_id  | categories_id
1             3
1             6
4             1
2             2

How to get the orphan elements, I mean the elements in no category, so in this case: 3, in a efficient way (+30k records) using MyISAM?

This is somehow like showing all rows that are not joinable, but this syntax seams weird to me...

like image 754
Vincent Duprez Avatar asked Jan 13 '23 04:01

Vincent Duprez

1 Answers

select * from products p 
left join product_categories pc on p.id=pc.product_id 
where pc.product_id is null

will return all products in table products that are not found in product_Category. LEft join and where is very fast. 30k records is also very little, so don't worry there.

like image 51
AdrianBR Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 15:01
