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Converting a comma-separated varchar to decimal

I have a column in database like;


My code;

SELECT SUM(CAST(new_profittl as DECIMAL(18,2)))
FROM new_hotelreservation AS R
WHERE DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(hour, getUTCdate(), GETDATE()),R.new_salesdate)
      BETWEEN @bas AND @bit AND R.statecode=0

I have to sum this field. The field is NVARCHAR and separated with comma, not dot. so I can't sum this field. I tried to convert or to cast to decimal but it didn't. It gave an error 'Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.'.

How could I sum this field?

like image 548
Jungleman Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 13:03


1 Answers

In the short run, this should do the trick:

sum(cast(replace(new_profitt1, ',', '.') as decimal(18,2)))

However, I can see any number of comlications coming up from this (multiple commas, no commas, embedded spaces, etc. etc.), so keep an eye on it.

like image 71
Philip Kelley Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 22:04

Philip Kelley