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When inserting data from a query to a table, does the query run for each record inserted?

I'm inserting data problematically into tables. When I do this from another table, it's swift, only slowed very slightly if there are a lot of records. Even then, it's a matter of seconds.

When I insert from a query to a table, it goes into minutes - roughly a minute for every 1,000 records inserted.

The source query itself, when just run as a select query, takes maybe 1 - 2 seconds. Is the query running for every record that's inserted? I'd hoped that it would run once for the whole data set. Or is there something else that's causing the function to run so slowly when compared to inserting "flat" data from another table.

The VBA I'm using is fairly innocuous:

CurrentDb.Execute "SELECT [Extra Value Concatenation].* _
INTO [" & strTableName & "] FROM [Extra Value Concatenation];" 

and the source query is below - it uses Allen Browne's Concatenate function.

SELECT [Extra Fields - Fee Protection Insurance Concatenate].ContactID,
ConcatRelated('[Fee Protection Insurance]',
'[Extra Fields - Fee Protection Insurance Concatenate]',
'ContactID = ' & [ContactID]) 
AS [Fee Protection Insurance]
FROM [Extra Fields - Fee Protection Insurance Concatenate];

EDIT: In answer to Fionnuala's comment, but I couldn't format it properly in the comments.

Using fictional data, here's roughly what I want.

T1 contains client records.

ContactID    Name
1            Example Limited
2            Another Company Limited

T2 contains extra fields. ContactID is there as a foreign key, and may be duplicated if multiple records are held.

ContactID    FieldValue
1            Value 1
1            Value 2
2            Value 3
2            Value 4
2            Value 5

When I left join the tables, the duplicates from T2 show up, so I get

ContactID    Name                       FieldValue
1            Example Limited            Value 1
1            Example Limited            Value 2
2            Another Company Limited    Value 3
2            Another Company Limited    Value 4
2            Another Company Limited    Value 5

when what I want is

ContactID    Name                       FieldValue
1            Example Limited            Value 1; Value 2
2            Another Company Limited    Value 3; Value 4; Value 5

Hence concatenating the data in a temporary table seemed like a good idea, but is slowing everything down. Is there another way I should be looking at my query?

like image 811
Sinister Beard Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 14:03

Sinister Beard

1 Answers

I have written a pretty basic module that should accomplish this for you very quickly compared to your current process. Note you will need to re-name your project to something other than "Database" on the project navigation pane for this to work

I have assumed that table1 and table2 are the same as you have above table3 is simply a list of all records in table 1 with a blank "FieldValues" field to add the required "value1, value2" etc. This should result in Table3 being populated with your desired result

IMPORANT: For anyone using recordset .edit and .update functions make sure you remove record level locking in the access options menu, it can be found under the "client settings" section of Access options, failing to do so will cause extreme bloating of your file as access will not drop record locks until you compact and repair the database. This may cause your database to become un-recoverable once it hits the 2gb limit for windows.

Function addValueField()

Dim db As Database
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim qry As String
Dim value As String
Dim recordcount as Long

Set db = CurrentDb()

'Open a select query that is a join of table 1 and table 2
'I have made Contact ID a foreign key in the second table
qry = "SELECT Table1.[Contact ID], Table1.Name, Table2.FieldValue FROM Table1 INNER     JOIN Table2 ON Table1.[Contact ID] = Table2.[Contact ID(FK)] ORDER BY [Contact ID];"

Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(qry, dbOpenDynaset)

'Table 3 was filled with each record from table1, with a 3rd "Field Value" field to
'be filled with your Value 1, Value 2 etc.
qry = "SELECT * FROM Table3 ORDER BY [Contact ID]"

Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(qry, dbOpenDynaset)

'Ensure you have enough file locks to process records
recordcount = rs1.recordcount
DAO.DBEngine.SetOption DAO.dbMaxLocksPerFile, recordcount + 1000


'Here we test to see if "Name" is the same in both recordsets, if it is, add the       FieldValue
'to the FieldValue in Table3, otherwise move to the next record in table 3 and compare    again

Do While Not rs1.EOF
    If IsNull(rs2![FieldValue]) = True Then
        If rs2![FieldValue] = "" Then
            rs2![FieldValue] = rs1![FieldValue]
            rs2![FieldValue] = rs2![FieldValue] & "; " & rs1![FieldValue]
        End If
    End If
set db = nothing
set rs1 = nothing
set rs2 = nothing

End Function
like image 59
pegicity Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 19:03
