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MySQL/InnoDB and long-running queries





When running queries while using myisam engine, because its not transactional, long queries (as far as I understand) don't affect the data from other queries.

In InnoDB, one of the things it warns is to avoid long queries. When InnoDB snapshots, is it snap shotting everything?

The reason I am asking this is: say a query for whatever reason takes a longer time than normal and eventually rolls back. Meanwhile, 200 other users have updated or inserted rows into the database. When the long query rolls back, does it also remove the updates/inserts that were made by the other users? or are the rows that involved the other users safe, unless they crossed over with the one that gets rolled back?

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Lawrence Cooke Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 01:03

Lawrence Cooke

1 Answers

Firstly, I think that it would be useful as background to read up on multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) as a background to this answer.

InnoDB implements MVCC, which means it can use non-locking reads for regular SELECT. This does not require creating a "snapshot" and in fact InnoDB doesn't have any real concept of a snapshot as an object. Instead, every record in the database keeps track of its own version number and maintains a "roll pointer" to an "undo log" record (which may or may not still exist) which modifies the row to its previous version. If an older version of a record is needed, the current version is read and those roll pointers are followed and undo records applied until a sufficiently old version of the record is produced.

Normally the system is constantly cleaning up those undo logs and re-using the space they consume.

Any time any long-running transaction (note, not necessarily a single query) is present, the undo logs must be kept (not purged) in order to sufficiently recreate old enough versions of all records to satisfy that transaction. In a very busy system, those undo logs can very quickly accumulate to consume gigabytes of space. Additionally if specific individual records are very frequently modified, reverting that record to an old enough version to satisfy the query could take very many undo log applications (thousands).

That is what makes "long-running queries" expensive and frowned upon. They will increase disk space consumption for keeping the undo logs in the system tablespace, and they will perform poorly due to undo log record application to revert row versions upon read.

Some databases implement a maximum amount of undo log space that can be consumed, and once they have reached that limit they start throwing away older undo log records and invalidating running transactions. This generates a "snapshot too old" error message to the user. InnoDB has no such limit, and allows accumulation indefinitely.

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jeremycole Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 22:04
