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New posts in modelica

Set Parameter based on start/initial value of Continuous variable

modelica openmodelica

use ClaRaLib with OMEdit

Dymola, whitespace and version control

difference between 'when' and 'if' in OpenModelica?

modelica: compute minimum/maximum of continuous variable over time

Modelica - iterator with exception?


Exchanging Modelica FMU Models

modelica dymola fmi

In Dymola to solve DAEs, why use the DASSL algorithm after performing the Patelides algorithm?

An error in Dymola "Failed to generate XML file for the FMU"?

modelica dymola

How can I add a custom package to the startup path in Dymola/Modelica?

modelica dymola

Factors that Impact Translation Time


Conditional type assignment possible for a parameter?


Export FMU with large parameter array from Dymola

modelica dymola fmi

How to initialize a record type by a function in synchronous models (modelica)

modelica dymola

steady state initialization in Modelica

initialization modelica

FMU Export of Python Code or Python Interface with FMI Standard for Use in EnergyPlus Co-Simulation

How to eliminate dead code in Dymola/Modelica

modelica dymola

Modelica total time calculation of simulation and equation initialization

time modelica

Controlling events in a hybrid Modelica model

simulation modelica