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Xtemplate if conditions in sencha touch

I have the following Xtemplate code:

    '<div class="moreArrow"></div>',
    '<div class="img"><img src="http://localhost/WL2/assets/rest/{image}"/></div>',                       
    '<div class="meta">',
    '<div class="actions">',
        '<button class="seen{[values.seen ? " selected" : ""]}">{action}</button>',
        '{% if (values.seen) { %}',
            '<button class="thumb up{[values.like ? " selected" : ""]}"><b></b></button>',
            '<button class="thumb down{[values.dislike ? "selected" : ""]}"><b></b>  </button>',
        '{% } else { %}',
            '<button class="want{[values.wantToSee ? "selected" : ""]}">Want to Go There</button>',
        '{% } %}',

My problem is that the if condition in the part {% if (values.seen) { %} is not working, that is when the button is clicked, it should show two buttons of dislike and like. What is wrong with my code that is causing this issue?

like image 498
Hassan Mohammed Avatar asked Mar 25 '23 07:03

Hassan Mohammed

1 Answers

It might not be working because you are not comparing it with anything.

BTW, here are few examples to understand how to use if condition:

Using comparison operators:

<tpl if="totalDiscount &gt; 0">

Using 'AND' operator

<tpl if="active == true && available == true">

Using XTemplates variables:

'{% if (xindex % 2 === 1) { %}' +
    '<div>Odd Row</div>' +
'{% } %}'
like image 166
ThinkFloyd Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 00:03
