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Memory confusion for strncpy in C

This week one problem was discussed by my colleague regarding memory:

Sample code 1:

int main()
    #define Str "This is String."
    char dest[1];
    char buff[10];

    strncpy(dest, Str, sizeof(Str));
    printf("Dest: %s\n", dest);
    printf("Buff: %s\n", buff);


Dest: This is String.
Buff: his is String.

Sample Code 2:

int main()
    #define Str "This is String."
    char dest[1];
    //char buff[10];

    strncpy(dest, Str, sizeof(Str));
    printf("Dest: %s\n", dest);
    //printf("Buff: %s\n", buff);


Dest: This is String.
*** stack smashing detected ***: ./test terminated
Aborted (core dumped)

I am not understanding why i am getting that output in case 1? as buff is not even used in strncpy, and if i comment variable buff it will give stack smashing detected but with output for dest. Also for buff why i am getting Output as "his as string."

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K J Gor Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 10:03

K J Gor

2 Answers

This is an interesting problem that we all wish to understand at some point or the other. The problem that occurs here is known as “Buffer Overflow”. The side effects of this problem can vary from system to system (also referred as undefined behavior). Just to explain you what might be happening in your case lets assume that the memory layout of the variables in your program is as below

enter image description here

Note above representation is just for understanding and doesn't show actual representation for any architecture. After the strncpy command is executed the contents of this memory region are as below

enter image description here

Now when you print buff you can see that the start address of buf now has 'h' in it. The printf starts printing this until it finds a null character which is past the buff memory region. Hence you get 'his is String' when you print buf. However note that program 1 doesn't generate a stack smashing error because of stack guard (which is system/implementation) dependent. So if you execute this code on a system that doesn't include this the Program 1 will also crash (You can test this by increasing Str to a long string).

In case of Program 2 the strncpy just goes past the stack guard over writing the return address from main and hence you get a crash.

Hope this helps.

P.S. All above description is for understanding and doesn't show any actual system representation.

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A.N Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 06:03


The C Standard specifies strncpy this way: The strncpy function


#include <string.h>
 char *strncpy(char * restrict s1,
      const char * restrict s2,
      size_t n);


The strncpy function copies not more than n characters (characters that follow a null character are not copied) from the array pointed to by s2 to the array pointed to by s1.

If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined.

If the array pointed to by s2 is a string that is shorter than n characters, null characters are appended to the copy in the array pointed to by s1, until n characters in all have been written.


The strncpy function returns the value of s1.

These semantics are widely misunderstood: strncpy is not a safe version of strcpy, the destination array is NOT null terminated if the source string is longer than the n argument.

In your example, this n argument is larger than the size of the destination array: the behavior is undefined because characters are written beyond the end of the destination array.

You can observe this is the first example as the buff array is positioned by the compiler just after the end of the dest array in automatic storage (aka on the stack) and is overwritten by strncpy. The compiler could use a different method so the observed behavior is by no means guaranteed.

My advice is to NEVER USE THIS FUNCTION. An opinion shared by other C experts such as Bruce Dawson: Stop using strncpy already!

You should favor a less error-prone function such as this one:

// Utility function: copy with truncation, return source string length
// truncation occurred if return value >= size argument
size_t bstrcpy(char *dest, size_t size, const char *src) {
    size_t i;
    /* copy the portion that fits */
    for (i = 0; i + 1 < size && src[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        dest[i] = src[i];
    /* null terminate destination unless size == 0 */
    if (i < size) {
        dest[i] = '\0';
    /* compute necessary length to allow truncation detection */
    while (src[i] != '\0') {
    return i;

You would use it this way in your example:

int main(void) {
    #define Str "This is String."
    char dest[12];

    // the size of the destination array is passed
    // after the pointer, just as for `snprintf`
    bstrcpy(dest, sizeof dest, Str);
    printf("Dest: %s\n", dest);
    return 0;


This is a S
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chqrlie Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 08:03
