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How to convert String to PWideChar in Android Platform using Delphi

how to convert string to PwideChar in Android Platform using Delphi ? in windows apps its done using..

  PW: PWideChar;
  PW := pwidechar(widestring(String));
  PW := pwidechar(widestring(Reply));
  A := ExistWordInString(PW,String,[soWholeWord,soDown]); //A : Boolean


the problems is Undeclared identifier: 'WideString' , how to work around this ?

Delphi 10 Berlin , Firemonkey, Android


well, according to http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Migrating_Delphi_Code_to_Mobile_from_Desktop ,, we cant use widestring, i cant think of another way to use string this function :

function ExistWordInString(aString:PWideChar;aSearchString:string;aSearchOptions: TStringSearchOptions): Boolean;
  Size : Integer;
  Result := SearchBuf(aString, Size, 0, 0, aSearchString, aSearchOptions)<>nil;
like image 873
unknown Avatar asked Jan 30 '23 12:01


1 Answers

Your code is not strictly correct in Windows. Yes you can convert string (an alias for UnicodeString) to the COM WideString, but this is a waste of time and resources. The correct code is:

  P: PWideChar;
  S: string;
P := PWideChar(S);

In fact, since you are using a Unicode version of Delphi, it is probably idiomatic to use PChar (an alias for PWideChar), to fit alongside string.

So I would write:

  P: PChar;
  S: string;
P := PChar(S);

Now, this code, as well as being the correct way to do this on Windows, works equally on all platforms.

like image 79
David Heffernan Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 06:04

David Heffernan