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In Android (using Java), how can I set the ring volume (to a specified number)?

So in my application, I have a seekbar that allows the user to set the ringer volume (0 - 100). I can't seem to find a way to set the ringer volume to a specified number. I looked through the AudioManager class but it tells me to either set ringermode to normal/silent/vibrate. That is NOT what I want. I want the volume to be a specific number. Here's an example of what I'm looking for:

private void setRinger (int volume) // volume = 0 - 100
    setRingVolume (volume); // Whenever a person gets a call/sms/warning/anything etc., it should be this volume.

Is this possible in Android? If so, how? Can you give me an example of how I can do this?

Thank you.

like image 880
androidNoob Avatar asked Feb 26 '23 17:02


1 Answers

Look up the AudioManager (documentation here). It should have everything you need, including setVibrateSetting, setRingerMode, setStreamVolume. All those settings are separate from each other.

like image 95
EboMike Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 04:03
